I am a lecturer and critic based in London.
I currently teach on the MA Film Practice (online).
My research interests include experimental cinema and artists’ moving image; archival and documentary practices; world cinema and global modernisms; photography and media theory; critical theory and Marxism; post- and de-colonial theory; the politics of art and labour. My writing has appeared in various publications, including Art Monthly, Sight and Sound, Film International, Radical Philosophy, Third Text, Philosophy of Photography, and Historical Materialism.
I am an editor of the journal Philosophy of Photography; a co-convenor of the seminar series Marxism in Culture; and a co-leader of the British Association of Film, Television and Screen Studies (BAFTSS) special interest group on the ‘Essay Film’.
Recently, I started the Photoecologies Study Group with Rowan Lear and Noa Levin. We are currently in the process of organising a series of online seminars, where scholars and artists from a range of backgrounds are invited to share their current research, approaching photomedia as an environmental, elemental and energetic assemblage.