I am a Senior Lecturer on the BA (Hons) Illustration course at Arts University Bournemouth, specialising in animation and narrative images. My practice is versatile and playfully explores authorship across media. It is informed by a diverse and international professional experience as an illustrator and animation filmmaker.
I currently teach across levels on the Illustration course – contributing to the lectures series, the Illustration strategies and Visual Thinking units in Level 4, and leading the exploration of specialist and avant-garde practices in Convergence/Divergence unit in Level 5.
Previous engagement with art education include teaching in Chennai, India, as Head of Art in an international school, and as a visiting tutor at the National Institute of Design (Ahmedabad).
My current research focuses on authorial and experimental approaches within illustration and animation. I enjoy exploring the creation of meaning in relation to methods and formats of production, through practice and writing.
My interests include social and performative aspects of image-making and I have been seeking to examine illustrations’ intentions and effects in the context of wider discourses - looking at reportage illustration, micro-publishing or comics. I consider the illustrated image as an exciting site of encounter, exchange, negotiation and self-assertion.
I am also a research student at UAL.