Dr Maria Caserio is a forward thinking and industrious strategy consultant with 20 years experience in carrying out research and consultancy programmes and producing end-of-grant reports and publications for external bodies on issues relating to sustainable policies, environmental assessment methods and design solutions. Within her role at AUB she designs, develops and produces learning and teaching material and delivers a range of modules within a subject area ensuring the efficient and effective delivery of teaching programmes in accordance with the University’s strategy, policy and procedures. She also undertakes supervision for MA students, developing a network of leading edge practice and influence.
Dr Caserio currently teaches MA Design Management at Birmingham City University, she has previously taught at the University of Birmingham, Coventry University and the Polytechnic of Milan.
Dr Caserio is currently a senior researcher for the Enpower project, this is a three-year project which has been ongoing since September this year. The partners in this project are the Catholic University of Louvain from Belgium, the Tilburg University from the Netherlands, the University of Macareta ("Degli Studi Di Macerata") from Italy, and the company "Sustainable Innovation Technology Services Limited" from Ireland.
The excellence in research and innovation will be strengthened in the field of technical and social domains, as well as the use of scientific knowledge in solving the challenges of energy poverty in B&H.
The project will help the University of Banja Luka to advance existing and encourage new research areas such as energy consumption in buildings, energy efficiency, smart energy and artificial intelligence integration, as well as socioeconomic aspects of energy poverty, justice, transition and governance. It will build a local system for research and innovation by establishing the "Building Advisory System Living Lab (BAS-Living Lab)" at the University of Banja Luka, which will include technical, socio-economic and other interdisciplinary research, as well as joint development with partners from the relevant industry, public agencies and civil society.
Listed below practical experience as a designer both commercial and academic projects, working with different groups of individuals:
List of publications: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Maria_Caserio/publications
PhD supervision for three students; two handed over, one to completion.
Dr Caserio is interested in receiving applications from PhD students who wish to study nature based solutions, biophilic design solutions, biomimicry, clean energy, environmental assessment criteria.